
How to choose the right size of cooling mister nozzle

First, the effect of spray particle size on the size of cooling mister nozzle

The nozzle size is one of the important parameters affecting the spray particle size. In general, the smaller the aperture of the cooling mister nozzle, the smaller the droplets emitted. Therefore, if you need to generate a smaller spray particle size, it is recommended to choose a nozzle with a smaller aperture. On the contrary, a nozzle with a larger aperture should be selected. It is generally believed that mister nozzles below 0.1mm can spray small droplets below 0.5 microns, while 0.1-0.5mm cooling mister nozzle can spray droplets 1-30 microns in size.

right size of cooling mister nozzle

Second, the influence of liquid flow on the size of cooling mister nozzle

In the case of the same demand, the larger the liquid flow rate, the larger the diameter of the nozzle is needed to play a better spray effect. On the contrary, a nozzle with a smaller aperture is required to achieve the same spray effect. Therefore, when choosing the size of the mister nozzle, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the liquid flow in order to select the nozzle reasonably.

Third, the effect of misting efficiency on the size of cooling mister nozzle

Cooling mister nozzle misting efficiency refers to the proportion of the number of droplets ejected by the mister nozzle to the total number of droplets. Under normal circumstances, the higher the misting efficiency of the mister nozzle, the smaller the corresponding nozzle aperture. In practical applications, the balance between misting efficiency and spray particle size is usually needed to obtain a more ideal spray effect.

right size of cooling mister nozzle

Four, the use of different sizes of cooling mister nozzle and advantages and disadvantages

1.0.1-0.3mm nozzle: high spray efficiency, spray droplets with small particle size, suitable for high-precision spraying, but the liquid flow requirements are low.
2.0.3-0.5mm nozzle: spray efficiency is moderate, the particle size is more uniform, suitable for most spray needs, but the liquid flow should not be too large.
3.0.5-1mm nozzle: low spray efficiency, large particle size, but the liquid flow can reach the maximum, suitable for the spray efficiency and particle size requirements are not high occasions.

right size of cooling mister nozzle
In summary, different sizes of cooling mister nozzle have their advantages and disadvantages, and the appropriate size should be selected according to the actual needs. In the selection, it is necessary to consider the spray particle size, liquid flow, misting efficiency and other parameters, and weigh according to the actual situation.